Any Experience is Good Experience, and Other Falsehoods

At the beginning of my career, I took a job that was well aligned with where I wanted my career to go. I was going to be designing custom electronics in a dynamic, fast-paced environment and be able to get my hands on different kinds of technologies very quickly – what I considered good experience.

Two weeks after I started that position, my group was put under a new manager, hired from outside the company, who decided that we should be buying our systems from third parties instead of designing them ourselves. He wanted to outsource all the design work I was hired to do and turn our department into what could be referred to as a “systems integrator.” That decision radically changed my job description, responsibilities, career path, and the experience I would be getting. Being so early in my career, I decided to stay in the same department and see where this new career path might take me – I was a naive optimist.

That was the start of a 3-4 year meandering detour as a series of managers and senior engineers took advantage of my skillset, abilities, and work ethic to make their projects, and themselves, successful at my expense and the expense of my career. On one hand, you could argue that I allowed it to happen.  On the other, I simply had the misfortune of being hired into a department so mismanaged and toxic it never would have occurred to me to think it would be allowed to exist inside of a company that was otherwise very well run and successful.

A year and a half later, it was blatently obvious that I didn’t want to do that kind of work, or in that kind of environment, for the rest of my career.  I started looking for more design oriented, engineering jobs to put my career back on its original path, but I bumped into a new problem. I had work experience, but it wasn’t experience in a field similar to the positions I was applying for. I suddenly realized I wasn’t looking for a job change, I was looking for a career change. The experience I was getting through my job wasn’t experience that was applicable to the career I wanted.

[Spoiler Alert: This story has a happy ending. My career is in a much better position where I have more learning opportunities than I know what to do with and work with incredibly capable and intelligent people. I still have a lot of work to do, but that might always be the case as I’m looking for the next opportunity.]

Your work experience is a positive feedback loop – it compounds. If you’re acruing experience in a field or skillset that doesn’t build towards a career you want, you’re digging yourself deeper into a hole you’ll eventually need to climb out of. Coming straight out of school in a competitive job market, it can be easy to have the mentality that any experience is good experience. I wouldn’t be surprised to find this is dependent on the industry, but it does seem that you can be pigeon-holed into a particular kind of job very quickly based on your previous professional experience. Where and how your career starts can be incredibly important in determining what kind of options you have later.

To bring this full circle back to the idea of being domesticated: if the goal is to be able to act more opportunistically, then you first have to create, and be able to take advantage of, opportunities.  Having work experience in fields that are conducive to the desired direction of your career allows you to create opportunites that are valuable to you – like job offers. If you’re dependent(domesticated) on your company, then it’s going to be difficult to take advantage of an opportunity because of high opportunity costs. You will have to give up things you are accustomed to just to make a change, hopefully for the better in the long run.

It’s surprisingly easy to find yourself in a situation where your company or manager is asking you to work on projects that benefit the company, but not your career. As one manager told me while trying to convince me to further postpone my career to work on his projects, “Well, we need smart people working on these problems, too.”

That may be true, but if the company no longer has the kind of work that takes your career in the direction you want it to go, doesn’t that mean your career goals and the company’s needs have diverged? It’s a manager’s job to find people who want to do the the kind of work the company requires. It’s not your responsibility to adapt your career to what the company needs – especially if you were hired on the pretext of doing a certain type of work and the needs of the company change.

You need the ability to say “no” when asked to do things that do not benefit your career. This isn’t selfish or not being a team player. It’s protecting your livelihood, and in many ways your happiness and autonymy. That ability to say “no” hinges on being able to take advantage of another opportunity, so don’t allow yourself to be steered into a position where those opportunities are difficult or impossible to create.



Why Go Feral?

Merriam-Webster1 defines feral as “having escaped from domestication and become wild.”

Months ago, Nassim Taleb was posting drafts of chapters from his, at the time, unpublished, new book, Skin in the Game, on Medium. The chapter “How to Legally Own Another Person” outlines how corporations prefer full-time employees to contractors because the employees become dependent on the stability the corporation provides while contractors have the freedom to act more opportunistically.

“Evidence of submission is displayed by the employee’s going through years depriving himself of his personal freedom for nine hours every day, his ritualistic and punctual arrival at an office, his denying himself his own schedule, and his not having beaten up anyone on the way back home after a bad day. He is an obedient, housebroken dog.” – Nassim Taleb, Skin in the Game

I hated this chapter. As a young professional working in a corporation, I despised the idea that I had sold out or given up large amounts of my professional freedom in return for security or stability. I had never seen myself as a “company man.” So I began thinking about how to regain some of my professional autonomy.

Taleb’s description is an extreme scenario, and it’s entirely possible to have a positive relationship with a company that you work for. But what does that kind of relationship look like? Do you have to create it? Or do people just luck out and stumble into a good job?

So why go feral? Because even if your career is going well right now, things can always change. Companies will prioritize their own self preservation above yours. A company may suddenly need you to do work or specialize in something that’s not beneficial to your career – so your relationship with the company can become lopsided. They may decide that your job can be outsourced or experience a slump in incoming work and need to lay people off in order to stay afloat.

Isn’t it better to develop the flexibity to take advantage of as many opportunities as possible should the worst scenario happen?



Merriam-Webster – Feral